Production Controller

Job Category: Product Management
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Canada

We are looking for a Production Controller to join our team

What You Will Do

  • Ensures effective production planning, estimating, procedure analysis and production control for the shop.
  • Develop and organize materials or procedures (i.e., technical manuals, supplier information).
  • Liaise with other colleagues, support staff, other departments, and potentially external customers or stakeholders concerning routine matters related to the work assigned.
  • Verify the accuracy, quality, reliability, functionality, system requirements, and/or specifications are met in a given process, document, piece of equipment, system, or work method.
  • Review data for discrepancies, errors, trends, or potential cost savings, report and provide suggested solutions as necessary. Evaluate the impact and implications of findings.
  • Provide technical expertise, guidance, assistance and recommendations for the area of responsibility as needed.
  • Create, track and publish key performance indicator packages based on departmental goals & objectives.

What Skills Do You Bring

  • Plan and organize activities / projects to meet section and organizational goals
  • Communicate in a variety of mediums
  • Use office technology, software and applications
  • Apply analytical skills
  • Understand and apply administrative policies, processes, and procedures
  • Apply accounting principles and practices
  • Maintain documentation and historical records
  • Gather information and conduct research
  • Develop/document policies and procedures
  • Create, document, and manage information and records
  • Demonstrate appropriate and effective interpersonal communications through various media



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