SEN Teacher

Job Category: Education
Job Type: Part Time
Job Location: England
Company Name: Oxford Outcomes

Company Overview

Free one-day symposium for clients entitled ‘Demonstrating value in the new era of technology assessment: The synergistic role of patient-centered research and health economic evaluation’ Oxford Outcomes is hosting the event on Monday September 12th at the Hyatt Bellevue, Philadelphia. It will feature sessions around Comparative Effectiveness Research, North American Market Access strategies, Internet-based PRO research and Utilities for clinical trial outcomes.
Purpose of the Role

As An SEN Teacher, Your Duties Will Be To:

  • Teach to a high standard and ensure all pupils access the knowledge relevant to the subject area.
  • Liaise with other OFG schools to ensure development of the curriculum areas.
  • Develop the scheme of learning for the curriculum areas and have an oversight of planning across the pathways.
  • Monitor progress of pupils and put in place interventions where pupils are underachieving.
  • Maintain a development plan for the subject areas.
  • Keep yourself updated of changes within the curriculum areas.
  • Deliver training to develop staff on pedagogical developments related to subject specialism.
  • Liaise with the exams officer to ensure accurate entries are made for qualifications related to the subjects.
  • Teach a range of subjects as necessary to ensure the effective delivery of the school’s curriculum.


  • Support the development and innovation surrounding whole school curriculum mapping.
  • Work with SLT to ensure a differentiated curriculum is being delivered across the school.
  • Support the development of learning styles and appropriate teaching approaches, behaviour management, classroom strategies, resources and whole school policies for pupils across all pathways .
  • Enable access to learning and social opportunities for pupils with SEN through the delivery of teaching, support, families and students.
  • Support the SLT and therapy team in the continued successful development of supporting pupils with complex needs.
  • Ensure consistency of approaches in terms of T&L and assessment/feedback within each pathway.


  • QTS or Equivalent
  • Experience of working in a specialist setting (highly desirable)


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