Data Engineer

Job Category: Data Engineer
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: United States
Company Name: RSM Solutions

Company Overview

We are more focused on low failure rate than a high fill rate. Anyone can SAY this, it is a completely different thing to PROVE it…We have been doing this for over 20 years, and we PROVE it every day. We are unlike any other vendor you have worked with before. We are abundantly sure that you have had this happen…a vendor tells you ‘oh my goodness, this is the best candidate you will ever talk to ever…’. Then you talk to the candidate and find out it is nowhere near what you were seeking. Does this sound familiar? If it does, you should contact us. Don’t just take our word for it, here is what our customers say about us: link: – I focus on the right ‘fit’ for roles, from both a technical fit AND a social fit. – I actually know what a good BI person, .net developer, DevOps, and ERP specialist should look like. – 95% of our time is actually spent ‘customer-facing’…meaning we speak, primarily, to C, VP and Director level IT Execs…we KNOW what you need and how to get it. – I have accèss to every resume on Indeed. – I write my own job descriptions for every role we work on. – I will offer information what the market is really saying in terms of what is realistically available as opposed to BS’ing our way through things. This includes salary information on real live data. I do not charge for this, it is part of what I do. – For many many years, I have not charged placement fees for Director, VP and C level roles…I have example resumes of what is getting placed, can help with effective networking, and can offer all kinds of help…all for the sake of ‘good karma’ (in other words, no fees).

About the job

Thank you for stopping by to take a look at the Data Engineer role I posted here on LinkedIN, I appreciate it.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tom Welke. I am Partner & VP at RSM Solutions Inc and I have been recruiting technical talent for 23 years, and been in the tech space since the 90s. I like to put the ‘human’ back in HR and recruiting, so you will see some humor in this JD… Yep, I am a real live, breathing human putting together this job description, so strap in…welcome to the party.

As with just about all the roles I work on, that ‘social fit’ is just about as important as a ‘technical fit’. So, here are some of those social fit characteristics:

  • The hiring manager for this role likes this phrase ‘no jerks’. I am abundantly sure that their are those reading this JD that have encountered the kinds of individuals who bloviate, think their opinions are the only ones that matter, and are – while being technically great – are insufferable. Well, we don’t want those insufferable types here. So, if you believe your opinions are the only ones that matter, and you have an ego the size of a planet, go back to being an ‘Instagram Influencer’….because we wont have a fit here.
  • I am a big fan of Nick Saban. Say what you will about the Crimson Tide, he was an amazing coach. One of his core principles was to help all his players rise to be the very very best they could be at their position. This firm works with their teams in a similar manner. You will be working around individuals who give it their all…there is an expectation that you want to give your all as well.
  • This previous point brings up something else. This is not a firm with a lot of micro-management. There is an expectation that you are an adult…and don’t need to be micro-managed.

If your still with me, here are some of the things we are seeking in this role.

This role is being done onsite in (in order of preference):

-> Baton Rouge, Louisiana

-> Cedar Rapids, Iowa

-> Rosemont, Iowa

-> DesMoines, Iowa

I can only work with US Citizens or current Green Card Holders for this role. I cannot work with H1, H4, OPT, EAD, F1, or anyone that is not a US Citizen or current Green Card Holder for this role.

For this role, you will be working on that wonderful world of data. Structured data, proprietary file formats, Azure Sql, ELT / ETL, SSIS, ADF, Function Apps, Data Bricks and the whole ‘lot’ as my British friends say. This is a relatively small team (roughly 3 – including on the hire for this role) working for an org that has 400 team members throughout the organization. So, that ability to take on projects from start to finish – on your own – will be needed for success here.

The hiring manager for this role is a fan of duration on your assignments. In other words, he typically does not want to consider contractors for permanent roles like this. If you have spent 9 months here, and 6 months there in just about every assignment, he will – more than likely – take a pass on your candidacy for this role.

I’m not going to put together an exhaustive list of ‘gotta haves’ for this role. So, I will mention those true ‘gotta haves’ for this role…here they are:

  • At least 6 years of experience integrating data from multiple sources such as legacy systems, cloud applications, structured databases, proprietary file formats, APIs, event streams, etc.
  • At least 6 years of experience with both relational and dimensional data models, such as in Azure SQL Server.
  • At least 6 years of experience with ETL/ELT pipelines including SSIS, Azure Data Factory, Function Apps, Logic Apps, Databricks, SPARK and Azure Synapse Analytics.
  • Experience with data mesh and event streaming architectures e.g. Azure Event Hub / Kafka.
  • Experience with structured, semi-structured and unstructured data forms e.g. SQL, JSON, YAML.

How to Apply:



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