Medical Doctor Partner wanted

Job Type: Part Time
Job Location: Canada
Company Name: Lab Verdun

Company Overview

Lab Verdun is committed to providing fast, economical and accessible blood test services to its customers as well as residences for retirees and the elderly. As a passionate supporter of our patients well being, our vision is focused on respect and dignity through exceptional care. ⚜️ Lab Verdun offre des services de prélèvement sanguin à Montréal rapides, économiques et accessibles à ses clients ainsi qu’aux résidences pour retraités et personnes âgées. En tant que suporteur passionné des patients, notre vision est centrée sur le respect et la dignité à travers des soins exceptionnels.

About the job

Company Description

Lab Verdun is dedicated to providing fast, affordable, and accessible blood testing services in Montreal, particularly for customers in retirement homes and the elderly. The company’s mission is rooted in delivering exceptional care with a focus on respect and dignity for all patients.

Role Description

This is a part-time role for a Medical Doctor Partner at Lab Verdun in Montreal, QC. The Medical Doctor Partner will be responsible for providing medical consultations, and sending said patients to Lab Verdun for testing.


  • Medical degree from an accredited institution licence for Quebec
  • Experience in blood test procedures
  • Medical consultation and diagnosis skills
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

How to Apply


Apply for this position

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